Using wallpaper is a way to capture individuality in your decor. It comes with a variety of benefits, especially with the way technology has changed. It is easier to apply than ever before, its lifespan is three-fold that of wall paint, and it is more resistant to dents, scratches and bumps. The wallpaper designed by Redesign Interiors is washable and reusable, meaning you can remove it and apply it to a different area, where it will adhere perfectly and continue to serve your space, as if it’s brand new. It means fewer touch-ups and the chance of walking into someone else’s home to find the exact same wallpaper, used in the exact same manner, is unlikely. As for paint? Well, that will require a bit of work to create something eccentric and unique.

Wallpaper need not be an alternative to paint, it can be used as a feature on its own. It can also be used to highlight certain areas or to create a particular mood or setting. A few tips from the designer’s desk for phenomenal wallpaper use at home or in the office follow below.

Adorn an unusual space 

Wallpaper can be used to turn a small, awkward space into a gem! An odd space like a powder room will come to life with wallpaper. Turning it into a feature by creating an attractive focal point. Wallpaper can hide irregularities in the walls and is fantastic in cramped nooks. Kitchen pantry? Walk-in cupboard? Bookcase? Shelves? Add a little lighting, throw on your favourite wallpaper, you don’t even need cupboard doors anymore!

Create a feature wall

This is your chance to use bright colours. Creating a feature wall means choosing one wall in your home, perhaps not a big one, and using it as a canvas. The wallpaper will act as an art piece, creating something with a little idiosyncrasy. This is a great way to liven up your home, it also adds texture and depth to your decor. Choose a colour that works with the rest of your home, but the idea is that this wall is brighter than the rest, and perhaps busier too. Adding a feature mirror or a simplistic painting can finish it off perfectly if you feel the space calls for it. 

Stairway to heaven

Wallpaper can be used to make your ordinary staircase distinctive and unique. Who thought a staircase could become a functional part of your decor? You can use the wallpaper to deck each stair fully or choose to only fill the riser or the skirtboard. If you are opting for bold colours with a pattern, select an understated colour in the wallpaper and draw it out by using decor items that match it perfectly. This is more effective than matching with the dominating colours. Add an art piece to the wall at the top of the stairs that compliments the colours you have used on the stairs to create a feeling of welcome with a heavenly palette. 

Art in wallpaper

If a featured wall sounds too extravagant, wallpaper art may be just your thing. Choose an area you feel needs a focal point, and measure exactly how much space you would like to have filled. Fill it with your favourite wallpaper and mount a frame around it that complements your chosen palette. The decor and colours used in rest of the room should companion the elements in the wallpaper effectively. 

Wallpaper in 2017

Gone are the days of horror stories that entail weeks of pulling and begging stubborn adhesives to give way. Applying wallpaper has become much easier than it previously was. No more sloshing around with messy adhesives, there are a variety of wallpaper types you can choose from based on what would suit you, and they’re just as easy to remove again too. Hopefully, you choose a wallpaper you’re in love with and build a long and lasting relationship with it. Your wallpaper can serve you happily for around 15 years if it is applied correctly and looked after. Wallpaper requires a layer of primer first, just like paints do. While wallpaper is simple enough to install yourself, it is recommended to have a professional assist, as the process is rather in-depth. At Redesign Interiors, we have a fantastic range of custom-designed wallpapers. They are unique and capture a familiarity within South Africa, using well-known icons to create a visual feast. Get in touch with us to own one of these incredible designs: